Monday, February 17, 2020

Character analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Character analysis - Essay Example Despite the apparent similarities, these characters exhibit differences in expressing their loneliness: Laura resorted to collecting glass figurines, termed by her mother as glass menagerie; while Tom frequents the movie every night to get out of the apartment and avoid having to converse with his mother. As noted, Tom and Laura, both being victims of a life without their father seemed to be living a lonely and recluse life. Since their father allegedly left them a long time ago, both children must have to contend with living with their mother who could have been devastated when their father left them. The result was the feeling of being trapped in their lives where Tom had to resort to being the breadwinner for the family and supporting both his mother and his sister. The feeling of wanting to escape from the challenges and difficulties of life led to both characters finding ways to relieve their miseries and venge on other outlets such as watching movies night after night (for Tom) and collecting glass figurines (for Laura). The movies seemed the perfect outlet for Tom to venture into lives of actors and actresses who get to portray different roles and go to different places – a life he apparently longs for; but could not achieve. On the other hand, Laura’s form of escape was different from Tom since she had been afflicted with a disability when she was young and could not move freely without a brace. This situation is also perceived as a form of being trapped in the situation she currently is and the only way to get her mind off from this misery was through collecting glass figurines: fagile, beautiful, transparent, and as she described the unicorn, she averred that â€Å"hold him over the light. He loves the light! You see how the light shines through him?† (Willams 779). Her collections seem to mirror her traits: fragile, beautiful, but cold and detached. As emphasized, Laura is â€Å"so shy that she finds ordinary human relationships almost unbearable, she is totally unequipped for the romantic role in which her mother has cast her. She takes refuge among her glass figurines, the â€Å"glass menagerie† that is the symbol of her fragility and her retreat from reality† (The Glass Menagerie par. 3). Another point of similarity is their deceptiveness to their mother. Laura was thought to still be enrolled in a business school by her mother; only to be found out that she has dropped out of school, Her inability to explain the fact that she could not continue pursuing the program that her mother advised her to take, led to the deception. When discovered, it was already about six months that she had been trying to go out every day supposedly to attend her classes; but instead, she allegedly stayed in the park or engaged in other activities. Tom, on the other hand, was likewise confronted by her mother, who also believed that he was likewise deceiving her. His excuse for going out every night was to go to the movies. Her mother could not comprehend how he could do that time and again without fail and took him considerable lengths of time. These moves and behavior exhibited their inability to confront their mother and tell her the truth about their own feelings and what their hopes, dreams, and plans in life are. Both characters have inner secrets which they could not reveal to their

Monday, February 3, 2020

Body language (Dancing) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Body language (Dancing) - Essay Example Sometimes the performers also do the ‘splits’ in it. It is a kind of sensual dance where the performer is usually a female displaying her skills through various dance moves. It is usually performed with a typical reggae-styled beat playing in the back ground. This depicts bolder female attitude and it represents the 21st century. All in all, it is not a typical delicate feminine dance (Evans, 2006). Here in this picture below the female performer is doing a very bold move by swinging her hair. It could probably represent female liberty. In this pose, she is shown sitting on the floor on all fours. History tells us that women have never been this wild in their dances. As it can be seen from the picture, the performer is shaking her hair while on the floor, this represents very bold body language. Such kinds of dance moves aren’t expected of females, that is why it comes as a shock to new watchers and immediately grabs their attention. The dance moves are rough, wil d and flamboyant. It shows the opposite side of the female gender, opposite to the delicate and submissive side. There are many dances which go a long way back in the history, for instance the belly dance is quite famous in the Middle East and has become a symbol of the Arab culture. It is also typical to the females and represents cultural values. It is not as bold as ‘Dutty Wine’ but it expresses the attraction of a female body. Most famous dance steps require swift and vibrating hip motions and very delicate and synchronized movements of hands and wrists. The body language of this dance is very simple and elegant. Even though there are male belly dancers but it feels more natural when female dancers perform it, it is more natural to female muscle and bone structure. Here is a picture of a belly dancer expressing the elegance of a female body (belly-dance, 2011). The picture above shows a belly dancer posing a crane like stance